
GeoCAT-viz Plotting Routines#

geocat.viz.taylor.TaylorDiagram([refstd, ...])

Taylor Diagram.

GeoCAT-viz Utility Functions#

set_tick_direction_spine_visibility(ax[, ...])

Utility function to turn off axes spines and set tickmark orientations.

add_lat_lon_gridlines(ax[, projection, ...])

Utility function that adds latitude and longtitude gridlines to the plot.

add_lat_lon_ticklabels(ax[, ...])

Utility function to make plots look like NCL plots by adding latitude, longitude tick labels.

add_right_hand_axis(ax[, label, ylim, ...])

Utility function that adds a right hand axis to the plot.

add_height_from_pressure_axis(ax[, heights, ...])

Utility function that adds a right-hand Height axis to the plot, derived from the left-hand Pressure axis. Replicates the height-axis functionality in NCL's `gsn_csm_pres_hgt`method for drawing a pressure/height plot.

add_major_minor_ticks(ax[, ...])

Utility function to make plots look like NCL plots by adding minor and major tick lines.

set_titles_and_labels(ax[, maintitle, ...])

Utility function to handle axis titles, left/right aligned titles, and labels as they appear in NCL plots.

set_axes_limits_and_ticks(ax[, xlim, ylim, ...])

Utility function to determine axis limits, tick values and labels.

truncate_colormap(cmap[, minval, maxval, n, ...])

Utility function that truncates a colormap.

xr_add_cyclic_longitudes(da, coord)

Utility function to handle the no-shown-data artifact of 0 and 360-degree longitudes.

set_map_boundary(ax, lon_range, lat_range[, ...])

Utility function to set the boundary of ax to a path that surrounds a given region specified by latitude and longitude coordinates.

find_local_extrema(da[, highVal, lowVal, ...])

Utility function to find local low/high field variable coordinates on a contour map.

plot_contour_labels(ax, contours, transform, ...)

Utility function to plot contour labels by passing in a coordinate to the clabel function.

plot_extrema_labels(da, transform, proj[, ...])

Utility function to plot contour labels.

set_vector_density(data[, minDistance])

Utility function to change density of vector plots.

get_skewt_vars([pressure, temperature, ...])

This function processes the dataset values and returns a string element which can be used as a subtitle to replicate the styles of NCL Skew-T Diagrams.

Deprecated Functions#



Deprecated since version 2023.02.0: The findLocalExtrema function is deprecated due to naming conventions. Use find_local_extrema() instead.


Deprecated since version 2023.02.0: The plotCLabels function is deprecated due to naming conventions. Use plot_contour_levels() instead.


Deprecated since version 2023.02.0: The plotELabels function is deprecated due to naming conventions. Use plot_extrema_labels() instead.