
Reporting Bugs#

Search open issues on the GeoCAT-viz GitHub repository to see if the bug has already been reported. If not, open an issue and follow the bug report template provided.

Submitting Feature Requests#

Search open issues on the GeoCAT-viz GitHub repository to see if the feature you want has already been requested. If not, open an issue and follow the feature request template provided. If you are not comfortable with GitHub issues, you can fill out this form to request features.

Earth System Data Science (ESDS) Office Hours#

If you are affiliated with UCAR, you can schedule an appointment with a member of the ESDS office hours team to get one-on-one support. Be sure to schedule with a GeoCAT team member for GeoCAT specific questions. For more info about the Earth System Data Science Initiative, check out their homepage.

Have a Usage Question?#

For general usage questions, please submit an issue to the overarching GeoCAT project GitHub repository.

Non-GitHub Support#

Not everyone is familiar with GitHub, and that’s okay! If you have questions for us, you can email and someone on our team will get back to you. You can also request features through this form.