


geocat.viz.util.plotELabels(da, transform, proj, clabel_locations=[], label='L', fontsize=22, whitebbox=False, horizontal=True)#

Deprecated since version 2023.02.0: The plotELabels function is deprecated due to naming conventions. Use plot_extrema_labels() instead.

Utility function to plot high/low contour labels.

High/Low contour labels will be plotted using text boxes for more accurate label values and placement. This function is exemplified in the python version of sat_1_lg

  • da (xarray.DataArray) – Xarray data array containing the lat, lon, and field variable data values.

  • transform ( – Instance of CRS that represents the source coordinate system of coordinates. (ex. ccrs.Geodetic()).

  • proj ( – Projection ‘ax’ is defined by. This is the instance of CRS that the coordinates will be transformed to.

  • clabel_locations (list) – List of coordinate tuples in GPS form (lon in degrees, lat in degrees) that specify where the contour labels should be plotted.

  • label (str) – ex. ‘L’ or ‘H’ The data value will be plotted as a subscript of this label.

  • fontsize (int) – Font size of regular contour labels.

  • horizontal (bool) – Setting this to “True” will cause the contour labels to be horizontal.

  • whitebbox (bool) – Setting this to “True” will cause all labels to be plotted with white backgrounds


extremaLabels (list) – List of text instances of all contour labels


All usage examples are within the GeoCAT-Examples Gallery. To see more usage cases, search the function on the website.