Release Notes#

v2024.04.0 (unreleased)#

Internal Changes#


v2024.03.0 (March 26, 2024)#

This release deprecates TaylorDiagram method names add_xgrid() and add_ygrid() in favor of the more descriptive add_corr_grid() and add_std_grid().


  • Document known issue with suptitle argument of set_titles_and_labels and Cartopy plots by Julia Kent in (PR219)


  • Pending deprecation warnings added for TaylorDiagram methods add_xgrid and add_ygrid which are changing to the new add_corr_grid and add_std_grid by Julia Kent in (PR219)

v2024.02.1 (February 28, 2024)#

This release changes to implicit namespace packaging and addresses a bug in the Taylor diagram functionality when disabling annotate_on.

Bug Fixes#

Internal Changes#

v2024.02.0 (February 6, 2024)#

This release adds a new subtitle functionality to set_titles_and_labels and includes a number of new usage examples and documentation updates. It also adds support for Python 3.12 and removes a matplotlib version pin.

New Features#


Bug Fixes#

v2023.10.0 (October 3, 2023)#

This release adds a Contributor’s Guide and Code of Conduct, updates several dependency pins, and adds Python 3.11 support while removing Python 3.8.

Bug Fixes#

New Features#


v2023.09.0 (September 7, 2023)#

Bug fix in add_height_from_pressure_axis() and added example documentation.

Bug Fixes#


  • Additions to the examples gallery for find_local_extrema(), plot_contour_labels(), and plot_extrema_labels() by Julia Kent in (PR145)

v2023.07.0 (July 6, 2023)#

Matplotlib unpinned and an examples gallery added.

Bug Fixes#


  • Examples gallery with usage examples of add_height_from_pressure_axis(), add_lat_lon_gridlines(), and add_lat_lon_ticklabels() added by Julia Kent in (PR133)

  • More examples including set_tick_direction_spine_visibility(), add_right_hand_axis(), add_major_minor_ticks() added by y Julia Kent in (PR135)

v2023.06.0 (Jun 1, 2023)#

Function and keyword argument names have been adjusted to follow consistent formatting and style, and one bug fix.


  • Some functions reanmed (findLocalExtrema -> find_local_extrema, plotCLabels -> plot_contour_labels, and plotELabels -> plot_extrema_labels) and keyword arguments renamed in get_skewt_vars by Julia Kent in (PR127)

Bug Fixes#

v2023.05.0 (May 4, 2023)#

Management of this package switched to GeoCAT team members Julia Kent and Katelyn Fitzgerald.

New Features#

  • Pressure-height twin axis function add_height_from_pressure_axis by Julia Kent in (PR114)
