
How to cite GeoCAT-viz

Cite GeoCAT-viz using the following text:

Visualization & Analysis Systems Technologies. (Year). Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit (GeoCAT-viz version <version>) [Software]. Boulder, CO: UCAR/NCAR - Computational and Informational System Lab. doi:10.5065/A8PP-4358.

Update the GeoCAT-viz version and year as appropriate. For example:

Visualization & Analysis Systems Technologies. (2021). Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit (GeoCAT-viz version 2021.08.0) [Software]. Boulder, CO: UCAR/NCAR - Computational and Informational System Lab. doi:10.5065/A8PP-4358.

For further information, please refer to GeoCAT homepage - Citation.